~Isadora James
Two of the sweetest little girls I know! This photoshoot was such a pleasure to do - with both girls being so fun and happy in the studio. And clearly in adoration of each other, which is always lovely to see. Not having a sister myself, I always enjoy seeing "snapshots" of the sister relationship. Have a look for yourself...
I LOVE this one of Lola - her expression is priceless and her bum so chubby and adorable!
Ok, so the tutu gets A LOT of wear - but it's so gorgeous and what little girl can resist it? Eva sure couldn't - and you can see why...She looks like "Angelina Ballerina"!
Lola drowning in tutu
sister cuddles - girlfriends for life
and now...tutus for two!
Thanks Gillian and Grant - your girls are just gorgeous!
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