Sent straight from Heaven and loved ever since
A gift from God to handle with care
A heart of gold for you to share
A smile so big with such happiness and joy
The pride I have, to have such a good little boy.
~Sarah Flores
And how lucky am I to have two wonderful, gorgeous, entertaining, sweet, affectionate, happy little boys? I always knew I wanted a girl - don't most mothers - and having my daughter Emma first was so wonderful. She is my best friend for life. Then came Jack and he is the most amazing little person and - so full of life, so easy going and so halarious! So, when I was pregnant the third time, I knew I was on a win-win. And along came Ben. Big boy Ben - a happy little guy who is pretty content most of the time but can certainly do his share of shouting when needed!
This is Ben sick with a perforated ear drum, mild form of measles, swollen eyes and congested lungs - (post MMR fun). Can you tell he's suffering? (thank God for Calpol!)
I love my Friday morning with my boys -usually spent in the park!
My crazy cuddler.
My squeezable babe
Thanks Elaine for your master photography- paparazzi style!
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