Sunday, 22 August 2010

The Robinsons in Full Force!

Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present, and future. ~Gail Lumet Buckley

What an honour to be able to photograph my family this cousins and their families. And what fine models they make - sure we had to make loads of silly faces, noises and actions, but it was well worth it and a good laugh for all those involved!
Here is the beautiful Hannah - with a strong will to match those strong, gorgeous eyes...
and the sweet Mya who is always a pleasure to be around...
My gorgeous and amazing cousin Brady with her gang...
Madeline with another set of awesone eyes!
I cannot get enough of this photo - apparently Emily prefers it in the nude! But check out that priceless expressions - what a cutie!
Ethan, Sydney and Ben who needed no coaxing to pose and have some fun!
My cousin Lyndsay who is serioulsy the fittest girl I know with her clan...
And finally the entire Robinson offspring. I love the sense of love and closeness these cousins all have with one another. It's hard to beat your family when it comes to love and friendship!

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