Monday, 30 August 2010

4 boy

Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.
~Dr. Seuss

I cannot believe my baby Ben is already 4 months the time flies - and as you can see....first of all, he is a great, happy little guy and second of all - he is big! It's a bit hard to tell the extent of his chipmunk cheeks with this full smile but trust me, they are huge! And they are so very pinchable and kissable! He is a complete treasure to have round the house and already I am wishing he would slow down growing up...

sheer glee - ahhh, to be a kid again!
Love this Heatheringtot moment...
Emma and Jack are having such fun here - pity Ben may not agree...lucky he's pretty easy going and used to being pulled about! I have no doubt he will grow to be bigger than them both - then he'll show them who's boss!

1 comment:

B Clair said...

So cute!! What fun ... your children are darling! And Ben looks so much like John ... wow!