Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Prokupek girls...

What a pleasure it was to visit with and take these photos of the beautiful (and oh so full of personality...) Prokupek girls! Lil and I were in Teachers College together and although we don't see each other as often as I'd like these days we can still natter on and giggle like it was just yesterday! Lil has two wonderful girls who Emma just adored playing with and is still waiting for her "sleepover" with them - next year! We had such a blast wandering and exploring through my parents' back fields - and I am thrilled with the results (well worth the barley cuts, splinters and muddy feet!) Great to see you girls - can't wait til next summer (or til you come visit us again in Belfast, Lil!)
Lovin' the pout Georgia (as she sneaks away with the bag of smarties!
Autumn and her "to-die-for" curls! Just a stunner...
Sisterly love - is it always that sweet Lil?
Gorgeous Prokupek girls - Lil, you're a star!
Fun in the barley fields...
I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass. ~ Maya Angelou

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