Sunday, 14 April 2013

Presenting the amazingly talented Jane Bailey...

As I enter into the world of Irish dancing with Emma, I am amazed and overwhelmed at the dedication, skill and talent in this area of dance.  The commitment is phenomenal - from classes and rehearsals to competitions and feis (is it feises, feis' ??)  It is amazing to watch these small girls (down to age 3) kicking and bouncing away (I'm sure there are more technical terms, but I don't kneo them yet...)  So, it was with great pleasure to take some official photos for the wonderfully talented and absolutely gorgeous Jane Bailey.  Doesn't she look amazing. The wig takes some gettting used to, but it's part of the art.  After the photos, Jane kindly treated us all to a dance (or reel or jig...) and wow was it fantastic.  Emma was in awe (as were we all)  And Emma, in turn treated us to her easy reel.  So, if this is anywhere near where Emma will end up in 10 years time, I would be delighted and incredibly proud - as I know Jane's mum Claire and whole family are!  Congratualtions Jane!


Wednesday, 10 April 2013

And Spring arose on the garden fair, like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere; And each flower and herb on Earth's dark breast rose from the dreams of its wintry rest. —Percy Bysshe Shelley
Spring is starting to bloom and the Heatheringtons are ready!

Smiles on our faces - CHECK!
Easter Treats created - CHECK! easter17 easter8 easter6
Treasures hunted - CHECK! easter16 easter13
Flowers planted - CHECK!
easter21 easter20 easter19
Brighter Evenings- CHECK!