Monday, 15 October 2012

An Autumn day with the Horwoods

Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all. ~Stanley Horowitz
 At long last, photos of the Horwoods - and what fun it was - frollicing through the foliage, tossing a ball (ok, so my head got in the way...), playing with possibly the biggest stick a 20 month old could manage and not a worry about a few drops of rain (or if we would ever make it to the park...) These are three very adorable little people - great imaginations, excellent "posers", with just the right amount of cheekiness. Marie Louise and Wayne, you are very lucky folks with a busy, happy home and hearts full. 
Just too cute, these three! 6
How adorable is Mark - and such a laugh-once he came round to it
 Gorgeous Holly - I love her cheeky grin and the twinkle of mishief in her eye 2
Sweet Sophia - The big sister with the big personality 1
And the Horwood gang - full of laughter, fun and lots of trouble... 4  
"Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile."

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