A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for. It was with absolute pleasure I had the opportunity to take photos of 5 week old Cuan. He was just the perfect posing baby and a gorgeous one at that. If only every model was this easy!
...and that was the calm before the storm...
Three gorgeous girls with a lot of sisterly fun. But as I know all too well, this is one busy family...two hard working, professional parents and three active kiddos to keep entertained and happy. I had taken photos of the elder two a few years back before the family spent a year in Australia. They are now back in Ireland with another sister to join the mix. It was lovely to see them all again. Thank you Fiona for coming to the studio - you're a superwomen and your girls are adorable!
This must be the time families want to flock to home - I've been quite busy with family reunions - and the Anderson's are a family I now feel I know well! As welcoming, friendly and slightly mad as ever. I'm sure there are always a few laughs at these family reunions and I enjoy being a very small part of it and trying to capture the fun they all have with one another.
I was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario. I moved to Belfast and married my husband, John. I have a beautiful daughter and three gorgeous sons. I am currently a part-time teacher and a part-time photographer specializing in babies, children and families as well as weddings. My business: Zoe Heatherington Photography.