With this wonderful, un-Belfasty summer weather, it was a perfect day to take advantage of some outdoor photos in the park with the O'Kane girlies! Kate frolicking in the meadow Anna perfecting her pose sisters... Anna in pre-chicken-pox mode! What a trooper! The gorgeous Kate - with eyes your could just jump into! Thank you Fiona - your girls are always such a joy to be around.
You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own and you know what you know. You are the guy who'll decide where to go! - Dr. Seuss I was thrilled to have the opportunity to photograph the nursery "graduation" photos at our Nursery School. Here is a snapshop (pardon the pun) of a few of the photos... Seriously, can these kiddies be any cuter?
We have just returned from a wonderful trip down to Kerry. Although the car journey was long, it was well worth it for the fun, fresh air, beaches, farms and people of Kerry! Thank you Sarah and Ross for having us - what a beautiful part of the world! Inch beach-collecting shells The boys the O'Neill farm road Trendy Miss Hannnah James, the natural farmhand! Sophia feeding her cow Poppy.
We have been blessed with unbelievably, un-Belfasty weather this past week and our family have been making the most of it - picnics, ice -creams, park, bike rides, fun on the garden, it has been truly wonderful! Gearing us up for our time in Canada (only 4 weeks to go!!!)
Jack at one with nature! "Let me out!"
ok, so maybe not an outdoor one, but I couldn't resist!
Meet the "weecycle" family...Katie, Jack and George were real troopers in my studio this past sweltering weekend - no doubt it was hard to spend a beautiful afternoon in Belfast under the hot studio lights, but these three were fab and great fun! I'm sure the treat of park and ice cream at the end was well enjoyed! Thanks!!!
I was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario. I moved to Belfast and married my husband, John. I have a beautiful daughter and three gorgeous sons. I am currently a part-time teacher and a part-time photographer specializing in babies, children and families as well as weddings. My business: Zoe Heatherington Photography.