It was such an honour to finally be able to photography one of my favourite families in Belfast! Thank you Finn and your gang! You're all fab! Just a wonderful, gorgeous family!
An aspiring model perhaps??
I love this shot, it really captures Patrick's lovable, cheeky personality!
How gorgeous are Iseult and Ulton? They are about the same age as my two and just as active and full of beans! Iseult was a huge fan of the coloured ball game (the best £3.00 I've ever spent) and Ulton was just go go go crawling from every nook and cranny. Thank you MarieTherese!
I was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario. I moved to Belfast and married my husband, John. I have a beautiful daughter and three gorgeous sons. I am currently a part-time teacher and a part-time photographer specializing in babies, children and families as well as weddings. My business: Zoe Heatherington Photography.