It is almost Halloween - Emma is ecstatic about finally being able to put on her Dorothy (from her Wizard of Oz obsession) costume - complete with red slippers that she brings to bed with her every night, and of course, Toto. Yes, there will be pictures of this to follow - let's hope they don't let down the massive build up! Jack is content to be in Emma's past skeleton costume. (does he know, does he care - typical Jack - just happy to be there...) Parties, costumes, trick-or-treating - I LOVE HALLOWEEN! But this year's Halloween break also meant a busy time for me with photo sessions. It's been great! These are my most recent - Niamh and Eoin Blaney who were the best behaved children ever! I love the ones of them kissing each other - it's hard to beat a brother and sister giving each other cuddles! Sinead, thank you for letting me photograph your gorgeous children.