Just placing these photos on to see if they look better (clearer) than the previous ones - I just found out that photos need to be edited differently if they are to be used on a web. (Learning a new thing - or ten - every day!) Let's see...
Ok, I am biased - but really, is he not the cutest boy around? Much easier model than his sister as all she wants to do is play with the camera. But this was fun!
Still ironing out a few hiccups and getting to grips with what I'm doing here - but I'm having fun and again, my kids are my practice. I promise, I will have others on here soon!
New camera, lenses, lights, backdrops, etc. etc. It's here, so I suppose with my huge debt, there's no going back! Lovin' my camera!!! Here are a few recent shots with it. My kids are quickly getting tired of being my models - but they do make excellent ones.....
I was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario. I moved to Belfast and married my husband, John. I have a beautiful daughter and three gorgeous sons. I am currently a part-time teacher and a part-time photographer specializing in babies, children and families as well as weddings. My business: Zoe Heatherington Photography.